September 22, 2008

Parallel universe

Why do v do wat v do whn v do? Is it just the 'urge to do' things dat make us do? y's dat urge? do v do coz others want us to do? or do v do coz v wanted to do wat v did? Do v hav a choice 2 do or not to do wat v do? If v hav a choice then y do v select wat v select to do? wat makes them to select that choice? The environment? the ppl around us?

Is every choice we make has been already made and we really don't have a choice to make and its just an illusion? Or do we really hav a choice in everything v do?

I believe v get to choose in few things if not all. The selection v make changes the course of our lives and others to some extent too... If v wud've chosen 'B' instead of choice 'A' we wud've led a different life.. Probably our counterparts in the parallel universe might have chosen wat v didn't choose here...

Hav you wondered y do v possess things that v've today which others don't have? Wat makes us so special to hav them? or wat makes us not so special to be devoid of certain things that someone else has?? Is it fair if everyone has everything? Might be not..

I think intelligence and shrewedness played a major role in creating different strata in d society.. ppl whn they first originated were all same. As their brains developed the smarter ones started using the 'not so' smarter ones. Thats exactly where/how different strata of ppl originated..

September 16, 2008


Y did big bang happen? What was there before big bang? What is a soul?
Whn v cannot explain things metaphysics comes for our rescue..

How did v come into existence? C, H, N, O fused @ high temperature to form primordeal intelligence which developed over years and transformed into homos [I mean homo-sapiens]. Y did C,H,O,N only fused on earth? coz earth was placed at an ideal position from sun and the conditions on the earth were condusive for the formation of life..

How many stars are there in the universe? 70 sextillion [dunno wats sextillion is? Its one followed by 21 zeros].. How many planets wud be there orbiting these 70 sextilion stars? Dunno the word for that number? Its ok.. Its some really huge number.. What are the chances do you think that earth and only earth stands to have the life on it? [approximately 1/350000000000000000000000 th]. Amazing isn't it? How's this possible? Science has no answer for this yet. Is it a miracle or the probability has become a reality again? Ppl who are impatient, impatient enuf to wait for sciece to come up vth an answer say its GOD or miracle dat has created us and only us.God wanted only us [earthmen] to exist all alone in this damn vast universe.

But its still amazing, isn't it? Its been so many years since v r here n v hav not been visited by any extraterrestrials.. What cud be the reason?

Weather prediction is a job dat involves the most complex calculations. We hav the intelligence to calculate those complex equations using super computers if not by ourselves..

Whn a mote like human [in comparison to universe] can be so intelligent to predict course of the events of nature [which he has failed to understand over the period of time again and again], is it not possible to hav a much more sophisticated intelligence be in existence this vast universe? It cud be possible... If that is the case then y havn't they found us? If its possible then y haven't they responded to our search [SETI]...

Is it possible that they've become so sophisticated that they don't understand our language any more. We might seem to be very primitive for them.. Ask yourselves. How many times hav you noticed a colony of ants while walking? Not many times I guess.. Being intelligent creatures in our sysem v ignore the least intelligent or almost invisible creatures.. It might be the same case vth the extraterrestrials who r much more advanced than us n v might seem to be a colony of ants to them so they never bothered to luk @ us or respond to us... Or, r v the first and only intelligent creatures as of now in the universe? The probability of this happeneing is very very very less... Or is it possible that that probability is a reality leaving us to be the first most intelligent creatures in the universe.

Only time cud/shud answer...