March 12, 2009

Str8 4m d NURV...

['I' in the following post not only applies to me i.e. Ajay but all those who feel that it talks about themselves]

Its not new for me to question myself every now and then about the number of hours I do nothing useful in a day. Every time I wonder I realise that most of my day goes useless. Time spent in traffic, tea time in office, lunch break, time spent in non sense talks, ogling at the idiot box [even though most of the time I don't realize what I watched] and sleeping dead for long hours are some of the activities that are not so useful and not necessary sometimes take up most part of the day. If time spent in these are summed up for the entire life I would live [assuming I would die @ 60] it would result in a staggering time-number. It will sum upto around 25years of my life span. It like 40% of my time is going useless [not that rest 60% goes very useful].

There are Lotta things around us that need immediate and most of our attention failing to do so might result in a bleak future.

For example: Indian politics. I talk about how bad our politics and politicians are, talk about the loop holes in the system, corruption happening, talk about slow progress, wrong policies by the govt. But what so funny is I just talk and talk and talk. And the worst part is I know that nothing's gonna change if I just sit here and criticize about all these and do nothing about it. Its like a 'Barking dog'. The bark will diffuse in thin air and the things move on as they were. Either I should quit criticizing and accept the reality or should do something to change the things. Sitting and blabbering/criticizing [just to convince people around me that I know something] won't do any good other than adding upto to the time I spend useless. I don't have a voter's ID and I never voted. So its very silly of me to blame a person who wins in a election and comes to power to do nothing but just eat up nation's resources. Either I should have voted against him or should have chose whom I believe would do something if not everything or should simply shut up and accept what follows an election.

I know for sure that I am in a better position to feed at least one hungry soul 2 days a week. But I never did it. I neither contributed to an orphanage or NGOs or any such funds that would help poor/poverty ridden/ downtrodden. Its so selfish of me. I justify my act saying that I don't trust these organisations and the donations I make would never reach the needy. Saying this I don't even help the needy directly. What a crackhead I am. I am surely not going to take anything with me when I turn into ash or decompose into the earth. I don't understand why is this crave for materialistic life. There's absolutely nothing wrong to have a desire of materialistic life but also there's nothing wrong in donating something after or during the process of achieving my materialistic life.

I am safe and I would not be there to witness the consequences of global warming so I need not worry is such a cheap' thought. Why should future face the consequences of my 'kriya karmas'? I need to realise this and should contribute the tiniest to reduce the global warming. Least I can do is to reduce the deo usage. I need not drive a 4-wheeler to office when I'm traveling alone. Car pooling is always a better option.

These are few of many things that need my attention and I spend 25 years of my life just doing nothing. Its so shameful. Worst part is I realise all these and still don't do anything about it. I shouldn't blame on things when I know that I can change those things [if I act] but I'm just lazy enough to do anything to change them.

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